What is the meaning of the word CONFINEMENT?
Confinement — definition of CONFINEMENT
Confinement Meaning
Confinement | meaning of Confinement
CONFINEMENT - Meaning and Pronunciation
Confinement - Meaning | Pronunciation || Word Wor(l)d - Audio Video Dictionary
What's the meaning of "confinement", How to pronounce confinement?
what is the meaning of confinement.
confinement - 7 nouns which are synonym of confinement (sentence examples)
What is Confinement? | How Does Confinement Look? | How to Say Confinement in English?
Confinement and What it Means
Confinement Meaning In English
How to Pronounce Confinement (Real Life Examples!)
SAT Vocabulary Words and Definitions — Confinement
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confinement - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases