Fragile X Syndrome: The Most Common Form of Inherited Mental Illness
Alex Nord - Advances in our understanding of the genetics of intellectual disability
Intellectual Disabilities - Alicia Bazzano, MD, PhD | Pediatric Grand Rounds
Intellectual disability and scientific research: from diagnosis to treatment
Genetics in Intellectual Disability - Systems of Care ECHO for Multi-System Youth
Intellectual Disability in the Genomic Era: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Identity - Andrew Hogan
Autosomal Intellectual Disability - 700 Genes and Counting
What is Intellectual Disability?
Common Learning Disabilities
A Genetic Mechanism Underlying a Form of Autism/Intellectual Disability and a Potential Treatment
Dementia and Developmental Disabilities
Aging and Dementia with Intellectual with Intellectual Developmental Disability
What is an Intellectual Disability? Lesson for Kids
Overview of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The Reason for Almost All Mental Illnesses - Prof. Jordan Peterson
Fragile X Syndrome Overview and the CONNECT-FX Clinical Trial
Genetic Testing for Autism Part 2: Types of Genetic Testing
GPs, Healthcare and Patients with Intellectual Disability & Autism
Intellectual disability Disorder: Definition, symptoms, treatment
Fragile X Syndrome