Real Reason Ships Don't Pass Under South America (It's Not the Distance)
Why Ships Can't Pass Under South America
This Is Why Ships Never Pass Under South America
The Geography of Patagonia Explained
Why Ships Don't Pass Under South America | Sach Ye Hai
Edge of the World: Strait of Magellan, Drake Passage & Beagle Channel
Why Do Ships Hate Passing "Under" South America?
61 Sailing Greece: Rounding the Peloponnesus Peninsula from East to West: Delays, Memories & Storms
Why South America's Geography is Way Weirder Than You Think
Why Ships Don’t Navigate Under South America
Deadliest sea route || Why No Ship Can Pass Under South America
Why All Ships Avoid Passing Below South America | The Parallel Truth
The Scariest Water In The World | The Drake Passage
South America- Discovery, Location & Boundaries
South American Countries - Ranked from Best to Worst
Drake Passage, Southern Ocean
Why the Americas Still Aren't Connected by a Road
Why No Ships Can Pass Under South America | The Most Dangerous Sea Routes On Earth
Crossing the DRAKE PASSAGE