What's in a name? 'Obamacare' takes hold
Premium Support, Medicare, and Obamacare
Obamacare: What's Happened and What's Next.
Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Funding Unconstitutional
How to Fix Obamacare's Marketplaces
What you need to know about Obamacare signups under the Trump administration
States sue federal government over Obamacare
What's the state of Obamacare today?
Explaining the new Obamacare provisions
Federal Judge Strikes Down "Obamacare" Explained
Obamacare: Congress demands more info and HealthCare.gov fix
Obamacare is on pace for record enrollment. Here's why
Obamacare Explained: Understanding the Affordable Care Act
Understanding Obamacare: What Does It All Mean?
Obama: I noticed they don't call it ObamaCare no more
Obamacare launch: What does it mean for you?
Decoding Obamacare: A Guide to New Healthcare Marketplaces Designed to Help 48 Million Uninsured 1/2
Healthcare.gov: Pres. Obama to highlight revamped Obamacare website
How do I Qualify for an Obamacare subsidy? | eHealthInsurance
The GOP Alternative to Obamacare Explained