America 101: What is the Role of the Vice President? | History
What Does the Vice President Actually Do?
What's the Vice President's role?
What Does the Vice President Do? | Politics on Point
What are the duties of the Vice President?
The Vice Presidents That America Forgot
Vice Presidents Can Serve Forever
The changing role of vice president
What is the Vice Presidency?
The role of the vice president in the Electoral College vote
An inside look at the vice president's residence
Vice President of USA Kamala Harris - What are the Roles & Responsibilities of a US Vice President?
US Vice Presidents Through Time (1789 to 2022)
Vice President and General Manager - VP & GM Roles and Responsibilities
What does the Vice President make in retirement?
Power Of The Vice President
Vice President - EXPLAINED in 60 seconds
Vice Pres. Kamala Harris says "You're not running against Joe Biden, you're running against me."
Why Have There Been 45 Presidents and 49 Vice Presidents?
After the Fact: How relevant is the role of the vice president? How should you choose the next VP?