How I wish HARMONY was explained to me as a student
Harmony // How Chord Function Works
Functional Harmony - Music Theory Lesson
MUSIC THEORY: Connections and Possibilities with Harmony
Harmony // The Symmetry of Chord Function
The Importance of Harmony
MUSIC THEORY: Harmony and Diatonic Function
Can They Defeat Bach? | Battle of the Fugues
The Role of Harmony in Evoking Emotion: How Chords Shape Musical Experience
Harmony for Composers: Functional Harmony and Voice Leading
What is Harmony and Melody ?
Negative Harmony | 1 Minute Music Theory
Music Theory & Functional Harmony [ Course ]
Nonfunctional Harmony in Chrono Trigger
The Basics of Western Harmony: An Overview
A Brief Introduction to Functional Harmony
Berklee Online Music Theory, Harmony, and Ear Training Overview
Masterclass Series - Part 2: The Guitar's Role for Melody & Harmony
Building Blocks: Functional Harmony
What is Harmony in Music?