Understanding the Role of a "Jury Foreman"
What is a Jury Foreman
Jury foreman speaks on emotional case
Jury Service Overview
Does Jury Foreman Have Greater Say in Verdict? NY Medical Malpractice Attorney Oginski Explains
FULL INTERVIEW: Jury foreman in Michael Rosfeld trial
Jury foreman in Drejka trial recounts guilty verdict, says decision came down to security video
Jury’s foreman blames Resiles’ mistrial on 3 out of 12 jurors
Jury Duty - the deliberations and verdict
Jury Foreman discusses murder conviction in Kalamazoo bicyclists crash
Your role as a juror
Kirkland Trial Changed Jury Foreman's Life
Jury foreman in VanCallis trial speaks to Local 4
Jury Foreman Forgets To Fill Out Verdict Form!!!! #justice #crime #trials
BREAKING: Jury Foreman In Masterson Trial Had Huge Undisclosed Conflict
Man was jury foreman days before murder accusations
Guilty Without Proof - Full interview with jury foreman Jon Crye | 11 Investigates
Here's how a grand jury works, and why some are contentious | Just The FAQs
Jury foreman reflects on Horwitz trial
ONLY ON 10: Jury foreman speaks about verdict in baby murder trial