Felony Theft Threshold Changing in Indiana
Local contractor charged with felony theft, facing lawsuit from Ohio AG
Identity Theft in Ohio Explained by Criminal Defense Attorney
What are the Different Types of Felony Theft
Fishy Felony for Stuffing Walleye With Weights: Gill-ty as Charged? #shorts
Cleveland roofing contractor charged with felony theft
What is the difference between a misdemeanor theft and a felony theft?
Lawmakers propose lowering felony threshold to deter thieves
Ohio removing felony convictions box on applications
Reinstating Your Rights Back After a Felony Conviction | Ohio Lawyer Explains What to Do
Home Depot Fights Shoplifting With New Technology
Five nursing home workers accused of stealing from residents
Criminal Law: The Crime of Burglary
Want Your Case Dismissed? Don't Accept a Plea.
Walmart manager in Joliet charged after allegedly stealing $135K
House Bill 6 scandal: Former FirstEnergy executives face bribery charges in new indictments
Is Stealing A Felony? - CountyOffice.org
SA Bates ahead of House hearing about juvenile crime: 'The time is now' for changes
How To Get Weapons Or Firearms Charges Dropped
How Criminal Defense Attorneys Get Cases Dismissed