Necessity of complex numbers
The Real World Uses of Imaginary Numbers
The true history of complex numbers.
Imaginary Numbers Are Real [Part 1: Introduction]
Introduction to complex numbers | Imaginary and complex numbers | Precalculus | Khan Academy
How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented
What are complex numbers? | Essence of complex analysis #2
Math Olympiad | Crack the Code: Factoring 2025(𝑥^4+𝑥^2+1) - (𝑥^2+𝑥+1)^2 Like a Pro!
Imaginary Numbers Are Just Regular Numbers
Do Complex Numbers Exist?
Complex Numbers: Operations, Complex Conjugates, and the Linear Factorization Theorem
Complex Numbers Have More Uses Than You Think
Complex Numbers - Basics | Don't Memorise
Complex Numbers Explained | Real Life Application of Complex Numbers
The beauty of complex numbers
How do Complex Numbers relate to Real Signals? ("Best explanation EVER!")
Complex Numbers in Quantum Mechanics
Necessity of Complex Numbers | The Real World Uses of Imaginary Numbers | Applied Mathematics
Complex Numbers - Basic Operations