Forest Diseases: White Pine Blister Rust, 4-H Forestry
White Pine Blister Rust (lifecycle & control overview) - Barnyards & Backyards
White Pine Blister Rust (symptoms and pruning demo) - Barnyards & Backyards
White Pine Blister Rust Control
A History and Future of White Pine Blister Rust in North America
White Pine Blister Rust
White Pine Rust Mite
white pine blister rust
Grow it Green: White pine blister rust
White pine blister rust and whitebark pine in Washington
White pine blister rust life cycle
White Pine Blister Rust on the North Shore: What's a Landowner to Do?
White Pine Blister Rust Extension Video
Identifying and Harvesting White Pine for Medicine
White Pine Health Updates on pests and diseases affecting white pine in the Northeast
Terribly diseased eastern white pine tree
Finding and Using Genetic Resistance to White Pine Blister Rust in Five Needle Pines, R. Sniezko
This Fungus is DESTROYING America's Forests... White Pine Blister Rust
What's wrong with white pines, and how to save them