Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) - Somatomedin C - GH- Dwarfism, Gigantism, Acromegaly - Endocrine
Understanding IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor) in Simple Terms – Dr. Berg
5 Functions of IGF-1 | What does IGF 1 Do?
Insulin-like Growth Factors and Cancer
Insider Secrets: The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting and Insulin Like Growth Factor-1|Jason Fung
Endocrinology | Growth Hormone
Muscle Building Hormones: The Science of HGH & IGF-1 | Thomas DeLauer
The IGF-1 Trade-Off: Performance vs. Longevity
MUST WATCH! Your Legs Fade First! Seniors MUST Eat 3 Foods to Keep Them Strong!
Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Explained: Everything You Should Know
Protein, IGF-1 & Cancer: what the science actually shows
Insulin-like Growth Factor Axis Gene Polymorphisms and Clinical Outcomes in Pancreatic Cancer
ACE CERTIFIED | Understanding the Impact of Growth Hormone & Insulin-like Growth Factor on Exercise
Dr. McDougall and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1
Insulin-Like Growth Factor
How does the Insulin-like growth factor enhance brain plasticity?
Safety and Efficacy of Using Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 in Heart Attack
iIGFD Pathophysiology
IGF-1 as One-Stop Cancer Shop
EX-e: Does Creatine raise Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) in Muscle?