When is the best time to vote on Election Day?
ELECTION DAY: Do you know your polling location?
Texas Election Day: Here's what polling locations look like in Dallas County
Primary Elections: Where to find your Houston-area polling locations, sample ballots county by c...
All polling locations open Tuesday
What you can and can't do at polling sites on Election Day
LIST: These Harris County early-voting polling places will be open 36 hours starting Thursday
Polling locations are open in Green County
Voting in person
Starting this weekend, polls open for four days, vote early
Your usual polling place might not be open on Election Day, here's why
What local polling locations are doing to keep voters safe amid coronavirus concerns
Voting Machines Delivered To Polling Locations
Polling locations open one week before Election Day
Despite additional polling locations, voters wait in line for up to 8 hours
Voting lines grow as Virginia polling stations open | Morning in America
Baltimore polling locations need more election judges as early voting starts
Long Lines At Polling Stations In NYC On Day 4 Of Early Voting
Hours extended at select polling locations in Harris County as early voting in Texas near the end
LA County Voters Turn To Neighborhood Polling Sites On Election Day