Election guide to poll closing times | The Hill
Here's when Election Day 2024 polls close across the U.S.
Smooth day of voting takes turn as polls close
Steve Kornacki explains what to expect when the first polls close on Election Day
Poll closing times around the United States
Early voting breaks records: What it means for the 2024 election
Polls close in Kentucky, Indiana on Election Day
A state-by-state breakdown of when polls close on Election Day
Election 2024: Long early voting lines in Maryland
When will we know results of the 2024 election?
Election Day voting underway in Chicago; polls close at 7 p.m.
Steve Kornacki on when to expect to see results on Election Night
Election stays close in final weekend with dispirited electorate: poll
Polls closing on East Coast
Real time voting just hours before the polls closed
Mike Johnson re-elected House speaker in close vote
Voting in Texas: Polling location security and safety after the polls close | KVUE
Latest news on early voting before Election Day, new poll on battleground states
Early voting in Texas is over. Here's the latest updates before Election Day
Voting polls closed