What Connecticut voters need to know ahead of Election Day
Connecticut voters take on primary election amid COVID-19 pandemic
Election Day recap in Connecticut: Races, ballot measures, and what's ahead
Secretary of the State Denise Merrill explains voting and elections in Connecticut
Election Day In New York, New Jersey And Connecticut: Here's What To Expect At The Polls
Connecticut polling station does curbside voting
Polls close in Bridgeport mayoral election
Early Voting in Connecticut begins on Monday ahead of 2024 election
George Logan campaign is confident in Connecticut on Election Day
Last-minute preparations for voters week before midterm elections in Connecticut
VIDEO: Everything you need to know before heading to the polls
WATCH LIVE: Polls close in Connecticut
Election 2020: Connecticut Expecting Record Turnout
Primary voting day in Connecticut held Tuesday
Connecticut turnout high for 2022 Midterm Election
A look at early voting in Connecticut as Election Day approaches
What races are on the ballot in Connecticut’s Aug. 13 primary election?
Connecticut is 'frantic' preparing 'all hands on deck' for Election Day
Students at Connecticut College head to the polls to vote for the first time
Connecticut primary elections candidates prepare for Tuesday's elections