What early voting trends signal in North Carolina
Record-breaking early voting turnout in North Carolina
Early voting starts Thursday in North Carolina
New election polls & early voting numbers are up in NC; Trump and Harris both visit NC | State Lines
NC election officials give early voting updates
Long lines in Raleigh as NC early voting ends
Primary elections underway, polls close at 7:30 p.m. in North Carolina
Four NC polling places open late
Demographics show shift in who is voting early in NC
As early-voting period begins in NC, partisan poll watchers have new rules to follow
Election Day is Tuesday: Everything you need to know
Election Day 2020: North Carolina voter guide
North Carolina early voting starts: What you need to know
Early voting in NC begins this week
Explaining why the election results process takes time
North Carolina early voting period ends this weekend: What to know
What to know when voting in North Carolina
Early voters turn out in record-breaking numbers in North Carolina
VERIFY: Do's & don'ts of voting in North Carolina and South Carolina
What you need to know on Election Day in North Carolina, South Carolina