Why certain naturally occurring wildfires are necessary - Jim Schulz
Adapting Forests to Wildfires in a Changing Climate | Dr Susan Prichard
Forests & Fires: Influencing Climate Video
Forests, Fires, & People: The Future of Western Wildfires
Introduction & Reimagining Fire Adapted Forests
How Can We Manage Our Forests Better to Reduce Fire, Protect the Environment, and Boost the Economy?
Wildfire Fire and our Forests - FireResistantWood.org
Fighting for the last wild forests - the importance of primary forests | Michelle Connolly
Wildlife and Wildfire Resilient Forests - A Ken Bevis Story
Building Fire-Adapted Forests and Assessing Watershed Health
Protecting Forests From Future Mega-Fires
Fire and the Future of California Forests | Briefing
Restoring Fire-Adapted Forests in Oregon Using LANDFIRE Data (Archived video)
How decades of stopping forest fires made them worse
Forests, Fires, and People Kindling & Sparks
The Science of Wildfires
Burning Forests to Save Forests
Escalating Wildfires: Adaptation and mitigation strategies for communities & forests.
Montana's Forest Fires: Why We Just Burn Our Forests?