What's the difference between intended use, indications for use, and intended purpose?
A Pun intended or otherwise! – Figures of Speech - SpeakWrite with Sid – Episode X
Identifying Genres, intended audience, purpose, and features of Viewed Texts:MELC2 Quarter1 English7
How to really know the intended meaning of the Bible? (Partt 1)
The American form of government, what our forefathers intended
Understanding FDA's New Intended Use Rule and its Implications
35. Using Precise Intended Meaning. September 1, 2016
Genre, Purpose, Intended Audience, and Features of Viewing Materials
What Carl Jung Intended For Personality Types | From Ep 465 | PersonalityHacker.com
Playing Bloodborne as Miyazaki Intended
The Translator’s Intention: Motivation, Intended Impact, and Why They Matter
Django : Error: client intended to send too large body
The Author's Intended Meaning: Week 3 - What's So Amazing About Scripture?
FDA Webinar: Action Levels for Lead in Food Intended for Babies and Young Children: Draft Guidance
The intended Wordle font, you can’t see #short
154 SC Using Precise Intended Meaning
Well intended words can still sting
28. Sentence Correction (Focusing on the intended meaning)-Thursdays with Ron-September 24, 2015
133 Sentence Correction Focusing on the Intended Meaning
C++ : Has signed/unsigned aliasing rule ever worked as intended?