Some and Any - How to choose what word to use. Important English grammar rules to know.
Lesson 42 - Learn When To Use Word Some & Any In English
What is the meaning of the word SOME?
Word formation some, any, every, no compounds ENG
Word formation some, any, every, no compounds - VAL
Try this technique with any word dies you have!
TOEIC Word Choice pt. 2 (some, any, much, & many)
compound word of some, any, no, every
some other way to say any word this will help you in English #englishteach#shorts@englishteach373
Some uses of the word "thing" | With examples | DEnglishCoach
English For You ป.5 ตอนที่ 6 Quantity Word some, any
important some one word substitute
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#shorts |Some Word In English |Learn English Grammar |NKS Intelligent Point|#shorts #SHORTS
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Some devices will allow a person to say any word they can think of, even if it was not pre-program
word "Some"! #shorts #ytshortvideo #howtospeakengfluently #spokenenglish #some #padhaikadose