The Treaty of Versailles, What Did the Big Three Want? 1/2
ベルサイユ条約の説明 - 第一次世界大戦終結 1919
The Terms of the Treaty of Versailles | GCSE History
The Treaty of Versailles, Terms of the Treaty 2/2
What Were the Key Goals of the Big Three in the Treaty of Versailles?
The Treaty of Versailles: Shaping Europe After WWI | GCSE History
The Treaty of Versailles Explained
The Treaty of Versailles
Why the Treaty of Versailles was unpopular in Germany
The Versailles Treaty
目標 4.3 -- ベルサイユ条約
Woodrow Wilson, the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles
6: GCSE の歴史: ベルサイユがドイツに与えた影響
IGCSEの歴史 |視点: なぜベルサイユ条約は公平だったのでしょうか?
10th January 1920: Treaty of Versailles comes into effect and League of Nations is established
AS LEVEL HISTORY | What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
What were the 5 main terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Key terms of the Treaty of Versailles
APUSH レビュー: ウィルソンの 14 項目とベルサイユ条約