How to find out Multiplicative Inverse of any Number ? // 👍
Inverse Property of Multiplication | Multiplicative Inverse (Reciprocal) | Math with Mr. J
Multiplicative Inverse
Multiplicative inverse of a number
Multiplicative inverse of 8/9 is = ?
How to Find the Multiplicative Inverse of a Mixed Number
Inverse Property of Addition | Additive Inverse | Math with Mr. J
Multiplicative Inverse | shorts | youtube shorts | #shorts #youtubeshorts @learnwithruchi
Additive and Multiplicative Inverse |Explanation with Examples| Rational Numbers | @umaths5809
how to solve additive inverse
8 Scholarship - Math - Number work - Additive and multiplicative inverse
Exercise 1.1 Q.8 Is 8/9 the multiplicative inverse of -1(1/2)? why or why not.
Is 8/9 the Multiplicative Inverse of -1 1/8 why or why not | Is 8/9 Multiplicative Inverse of -1 1/8
Find the Multiplicative Inverse of the -5/8×(-3/7)
Multiplicative inverse #shorts #short #ytshorts #maths #matrix
Additive and multiplicative inverse ||class 7 ll chapter 1
Find the multiplicative inverse of (i) -9/8 (ii) 10/3
Solving Equations using additive and multiplicative inverses
Exercise-1.1, Q.8 Is 8/9 the multiplicative inverse of -1.(1/9).