imply or infer?
Inferences | Making Inferences | Award Winning Inferences Teaching Video | What is an inference?
Inferring | Reading Strategies | EasyTeaching
Infer vs. Imply: What's the Difference?
What is the meaning of Infer?
Imply vs. Infer
Word of the Week 23: Infer
Infer vs Imply - Inferring and Implying: English Vocabulary Lesson and Writing Tips with Alisha
What is the difference between "Infer" and "Imply"? | English Grammar Lesson
Infer | Definition of infer
Making Inferences
imply or infer : Eiken Level 1 Vocabulary: 英検1級単語の練習
How Natives Say It! "infer" Vocabulary Meaning and Pronunciation Revealed!
Context Clues | English For Kids | Mind Blooming
Infer | meaning of Infer
EXPLAIN the difference - IMPLY vs INFER? PRONUNICATION,#shorts
IMPLY vs INFER? #vocabulary #confusingwords #shorts
Idiom: Close, but no cigar. Also: Imply vs. infer--meanings.