Last day to mail-in ballot is Monday
Last day to mail ballots, other options to make sure your vote counts
How to Vote by Mail
2022 Midterm Elections | What happens when you mail in your ballot?
Last day to register to vote in California
What to do if your mail-in ballot has fallen through cracks
Election 2022: How to make sure your mail-in vote gets counted in Texas
Deadline to return ballot my mail
Do I need to bring my mail ballot with me if I change my mind and want to vote in person?
What happens when I drop off my mail-in ballot?
How to Vote by Mail in California
Officials: Get your ballot in the mail today, or hand it in yourself
What happens to my absentee ballot after it's returned?
If you're on Arizona's vote-by-mail list you should have received your ballot by now
How can I be sure that my mail-in vote has been counted?
Request your vote-by-mail ballot for the Florida state and national election
Mail-in ballot concerns ahead of election
Dallas County residents drop off mail-in ballots, register to vote ahead of deadline
Where to drop off vote-by-mail ballots on Election Day