Did you know it's illegal to bring purchased alcohol into Utah?
Utah Liquor Laws | Moving To Utah
What you need to know about Utah's new alcohol laws
Popular hard seltzers may not meet Utah's legal definition of 'beer'
Utah lawmakers to consider more bar licenses and online liquor ordering, but no 'to-go' drinks
Utah liquor law changes coming
Utah Liquor Facts
59 Utah bars and restaurants haven't renewed their highly coveted liquor license and could go under
Utah Liquor Laws: VFTU
Utah Alcohol Laws | 2-Minute Tuesday | Living in Salt Lake City, Utah
Utah legislature may be forced to increase liquor licenses
Brewvies sues Utah alcohol department over threat to pull liquor license
Utah lawmaker hoping other states follow in changing legal limit of blood alcohol level
Utah liquor store offers wine education courses — minus tastings
Utah faces backlash over new drunk driving law
Alcohol bill advances in the Utah legislature, without a question about where DUIs are drinking
Utah to study how it hands out bar licenses
Reason.tv at Sundance: Boozing in Utah
Utah loses millions in liquor sales
Utah's Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control wants to drop 'control' from its name