Children and Consent to Medical Treatment
Consent for Vaccination against COVID-19 - under 16 years
Children under 16 'can consent to puberty blockers if they understand treatment' | ITV News
Minors Can Refuse Mental Health Treatment In Some U.S. States | NBC Nightly News
Puberty blockers: Under-16s 'unlikely' to be able to give informed consent - BBC Newsnight
Guide to Gillick Competency Guidelines for Young People
UK High Court Rules Against Clinic, Children Under 16 Can't Consent to Puberty Blocking Drugs
Medical School Interviews: What is Consent?
Medical Law - Consent in a Minor - Gillick Competence & Fraser Guidelines
Young people and immunisation: exploring issues when parental consent is absent or contested
Children: Consent, Capacity, and Competence (Part 1 of 4)
YOR CA Youth and SUD Services Consent to Treatment
Webinar: Addressing Age of Consent as a Barrier to Adolescents' Care Utilization and Engagement
What Does Consent Mean To Young People?
[Interview Question] Medical Ethics Overview | Pillars, capacity, consent
CT eLC _ Minor Consent and Confidentiality
Your health-care rights: Consent, capacity, confidentiality | AboutKidsHealth at SickKids
e-remedies: Consent: montgomery v lanarkshire explained
Hempsons webinar: Consent and capacity for children - 19 October 2021
Consent, Capacity and Jehovah's Witnesses - Medical Ethics & Law for interviews