Why Didn't the Allies Get Rid of Franco After the Second World War? (Short Animated Documentary)
The Spanish Civil War - When Fascism Won
Why did Spain Decline? (Short Animated Documentary)
Ten Minute History - The Spanish Civil War and Francisco Franco (Short Documentary)
Franco - Spain's Nationalist Dictator Documentary
How Spain (Narrowly) Became a Democracy
The Skeletons of Spain’s Fascist Past
Why was Spain Neutral in WW2?
Current Spain vs Fascist Spain
Can Spain forget its fascist history? | Foreign Correspondent
Why Franco & Spain stayed out of WW2?
Francisco Franco - an Enigmatic Dictator
The Spanish Government Still Loves its Fascist Dictator
Inside Fascist Spain: The March of Time (1943 Documentary)
The Politics of Forgetting: The Franco Regime in Spain
Fascism Explained | What is Fascism? What is a fascist? Who were Bennito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler?
Inside Fascist Spain 1945 (full)
Why Didn't Britain Make Peace After the Fall of France? (Short Animated Documentary)
Inside Spain's far-right battle ground: 'When Franco was alive, it was safer'