9News Sydney: Metro Mayhem - Opening of Sydney Metro (26th May 2019)
10 News First: All Aboard the Opening of Sydney Metro (26th May 2019)
The Future of Sydney Metro: An Animated Evolution
Trains on the Sydney Metro Northwest - Australia's First Metro Line (Opening Day)
Channel 7 News Sydney Metro Northwest final breakthrough and end of tunnelling
Tomorrow's Sydney: Sydney Metro Northwest (Extended Version)
Sydney Metro Education: Powering Sydney Metro Northwest
Sydney Metro Northwest Opening Day | Ep 850
Australia’s $64BN Mega Railway
Sydney Metro, Now Open 30”
How good is the new Sydney Metro Northwest railway line?
Sydney Metro, Now Open 15”
The Sydney Metro opens | 7NEWS
Tomorrow's Sydney: Sydney Metro Northwest is coming in 2019 (Korean)
Northwest Sydney Metro’s Skytrain ahead of opening day in 2019
Sydney Metro: Opening day
Tomorrow’s Sydney: There’s still more work to do on Sydney Metro Northwest
Sydney metro northwest a brief history
Why Sydney's new Metro is such a success
Sydney Metro North-West Opening Day: On Location