More than a million people cast their votes during early voting period in N.J.
Teens vote for first time during early voting period
Let’s break some early voting records, Detroit.
Monday is last day for early voting in St. Louis primary election
What the Early Voting Polls Are Showing
Why Democrats Care So Much About Early Voting (HBO)
Florida's early voting numbers are in
Democrats see hopeful signs in early voting patterns
Vote 2022 | One-stop early voting starts Thursday in North Carolina
Early voting in Georgia | What to know
Early voting begins in Ohio: What you need to know
Early voting starts today in Michigan: Here’s what you need to know
Early Voting in Florida
Georgia shatters early voting records
Early Voting for the 2020 Presidential Election
Early Voting 101: What you need to know
Early voting breaks turnout records across the country
New York State Kicks Off First Ever Early Voting Period On Saturday
High NC early voting turnout could mean quick vote counting Election Night
What you need to know about early voting in Maricopa County