Is it smart alec or smart aleck? And where does the phrase come from?
English Tutor Nick P Word Origins (53) Smart Aleck
What does smart aleck mean?
Smart-aleck Meaning
The Smart Aleck's Guide to American History: JEFFERSON AND ADAMS
Word Nerd - Smart Aleck
Smart aleck Meaning In English
#word of the day #smart aleck #learnenglish #eetenglish #funenglishlearning #shorts #englishshorts
"Smart aleck" meaning
smart aleck
Making History Come Alive Activities - The Smart Aleck's Guide to American History
Smart Aleck
Unit 1 Part 3 Animation A surprise for Smart Alec - Project 3 Video
Jen Psaki comes off as a ‘smart aleck’: Texas Lt. governor
Charlie Kirk ANNIHILATES Smart-Aleck Student Accusing Him of Propaganda 🚨🔥🔥
what is the meaning of smart aleck
Identify the Smart Aleck
One passenger was a smart aleck, another a trouble maker #siacrewstories #luketan
Learning English with Marwa - (idioms&vocab) Scandalous, Loafers, Idlers, Smart aleck