Epidural, spinal, and combined spinal-epidural overview
Epidural injection procedure
This is how big your epidural needle is
Neuraxial Task Trainer Demonstration - Epidural Anesthesia
Epidural catheter insertion
Removing the Epidural Needle #meded #surgicaleducation #or #surgery #stepbystep #learn #epidural
BBraun and Portex Epidural Kit Setup | #anesthesiology #epidural
What to do when the needle encounters the bone during spinal or lumbar puncture
Lumber Epidural Catheterization: For Anaesthesia & Pain Management
How an epidural is given during childbirth | Bupa Health
Combine Spinal Epidural (CSE) in short, so quick!
Did you know how big the epidural needle is
Epidural Placement Instructional Video
Epidural Injection
Spinal anesthesia: How to use Guide Needle - Regional Anesthesia Crash Course with Dr Hadzic
Continuous labor epidural in the hospital setting. Full video on a real patient.
Best technique of spinal anaesthesia
Epidural [] Spinal Anesthesia [] Lumbar Puncture
mnemonic for lumbar puncture/ spinal anesthesia layers
Continuous Spinal Anesthesia (Spinal Catheter Technique)