Vim open init.vim from anywhere
Vim: .vimrc / init.vim Configuration - Based Programming
【Neovim設定ファイル】init.vimからinit.luaに移行するやり方を解説 (簡略version)
Vim超入門 VimとNeoVimの違いについて解説。init.vimと.tmux.confをまるごと公開。これでVimはマスター!?
Creating init.vim (nvim config) in WSL for the neovim editor
Neovim: switching init.vim to init.lua!
Configuring Neovim With Lua (It's Easy!)
Convert your init.vim to a init.lua! — Neovim & VsCode
How to Configure Neovim to make it Amazing -- complete tutorial
Awesome Neovim Setup From Scratch - Full Guide
NeoVim Installation & Config on Windows
0 to LSP : Neovim RC From Scratch
Configura nvim (.vimrc/init.vim) en Windows 10
Unix & Linux: How can I get neovim to load my init.vim file when in sudo mode?
Vim Create and delete directories (Netrw)
Vim Tutorial
I rewrote my Vim config in Lua. Was it worth it?
Managing Your Splits In Vim
init.lua or init.vim? Upgrading my Neovim config.
Vim #107: init.lua in Neovim v0.5.0