Social Actors
1.2 Ontology for social actors | Qualitative Methods | Philosophy of Qualitative Research | UvA
Computers As Social Actors
The Theory of Social Response: Computers Are Social Actors Top # 8 Facts
The Visual representation of social actors
Ronald Skeldon - Migrants as Social Actors
The Social Life of Machines: Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory
The Theory of Social Response: Computers Are Social Actors Top #8 Facts
LE 4501 | Social Actors
The roles of state actors and civil society organizations in mining conflicts
Georgia Johnson Midterm Presentation: The Computers are Social Actors (CASA) Paradigm
The Marketplace is a Social Actor
Ferment Radio - Episode 2: Microbes a social actors (with Salla Sariola)
Social Actor | A Interview
#1 Reason Why Actors Get No Results From Social Media by Richard "RB" Botto (Stage 32 CEO)
Human beings are social beings
Representation of Social Actors in News Reporting Sexual Abuse
HFCast Ep 003 - Computers are social actors and Amazon Echo
social actors and the demand image