FDA Center for Tobacco Products: Celebrating 10 Years of the Tobacco Control Act
Global Tobacco Control Policy
16. Evolution of Tobacco Law
WFPHA | Tobacco Control Talks: Tobacco Control Policies Matter
FDA Tobacco Rulemaking 101 - How does FDA make rules about tobacco products?
Is There Such a Thing as a Safe(r) Cigarette? Tobacco Regulation and the FDA
Webinar: Tobacco regulation in 2021, Changes following EU exit
Tobacco Control Bill I Discussion on public health interests vs tobacco industry interests
Michigan bills targets youth tobacco use with flavor bans, stricter sales laws
Tobacco Control Policies and Legislations: FCTC, MPOWER and COTPA by Dr.Anoop Joby Augustine
FDA Tobacco Regulatory Science Fellowship Program
Can tobacco control regulations help reduce smoking prevalence?
WHO:Sharing best practices on NCDs: Tobacco control in the Philippines
Tobacco Regulatory Science: How can we help the FDA? featuring Terry Pechacek, PhD
California Commercial Tobacco Control: Introducing the new Law and Policy Coordinating Center
Commit to quit tobacco
Tobacco Regulation
Anatomy of an addiction industry | DW Documentary
A Decade of the Tobacco Control Act: Progress, Setbacks, and the Future of the Tobacco Control Act