What is a Monograph?
Reimagining the Monograph
What is the meaning of the word MONOGRAPH?
What is monograph?
Reading and Analyzing a Monograph
Publishing academic monographs - Michael Sharp
Searching for Monographs in Find It @ UofSC
A Field Guide to Scholarly Monographs and Essay Collections (2017 version)
John W. Boyer: Historical monographs spark book
The IARC Monographs: How are evaluations conducted?
Michael Elliott on Open Access and the Future of the Monograph in the Humanities
Beyond the Monograph: A Panel of the University of Illinois Press Publishing Symposium
Origins of the Research on Genetics of Family Relationships | Monographs 87
Rupert Gatti Open Book Publishers 1 What is a digital monograph
Norman Foster. Discover the XXL monograph
Rethinking the Scholarly Monograph in the Digital Age with Dr. Laura Mandell
ABC Library - Monographs
UKSG 2014 (14) Lightning Talk - Open access monographs: what have we learned?