The weird ways the elements got their names
Figure Skating Elements Named After a Person
How The Elements Got Their Names
Why Do Elements Have Such Crazy Names?
Why Molybdenum is named after Lead - Periodic Table of Videos
The Periodic Table first 20 elements
New Elements Named - Periodic Table of Videos
5 Skills Named After "the Wrong Gymnast"
US Better Start Investing Into Rare Earth Elements if it wants to stay competitive!
Four new chemical elements have been given names
Why does oxygen have the wrong name? | ELEMENTS
The Four "New" Elements & How We Got Them–Speaking of Chemistry
Chemical Elements With The Wrong Symbols
Seaborgium - Periodic Table of Videos
Where do the Days of the Week Get Their Names
How the Elements got their Names – webinar with Dr Peter Wothers
Nipponium - The Element that Wasn't - Periodic Table of Videos
rating how well metal Elements flatten #periodictable
Are there Undiscovered Elements Beyond The Periodic Table?
New Element Confirmed - Periodic Table of Videos