Record Breakers ' World's oldest little person lives In Northeast Ohio
The World's Smallest People (Primordial Dwarf Documentary) | Our Life
World’s Largest Gathering Of Primordial Dwarfs
The World's Tiniest Toddler Charlotte Garside
Remembering the inspirational story of the man with primordial dwarfism | 60 Minutes Australia
Tiny 39-inch Girl With Primordial Dwarfism Defies Doctors
I'm The Oldest Person In The World With My Condition | BORN DIFFERENT
The Smallest People in the World | (Extraordinary Humans Documentary) | Only Human
The Smallest Girl In The World
2 Year Old Still Fits In Newborn Baby Clothes & Weighs Only 7lbs | Only Human
The Boy Who'll Never Grow Up (Extraordinary Person Documentary) | Real Stories
Is This The World's Smallest Man?
The Child Who's Older Than Her Grandmother | (Extraordinary People Documentary) | Only Human
The Oldest Dwarf in The World
35 Inches Tall, 32 Years old, and 1 GIGANTIC Personality
35 Inches Tall, 25 Years Old and 1 HUMONGOUS Personality
Heartwarming Journey: Britain's Tiniest Toddlers Explored | Real Families
The World's Smallest Woman
The Smallest People In The World | Our Life
Surgeon helps woman with rare dwarfism condition