What Caused the Iranian Revolution? | Iran's Revolution(s) Explained
Iran's Revolutions: Crash Course World History 226
Decadence and Downfall In Iran: The Greatest Party In History | Real Stories
When did Persia become Iran? (Short Animated Documentary)
How Iran's repression machine works
Life in IRAN Before and After The Islamic Revolution | 5 Differences in 15 Minutes
How Iran’s Ayatollahs Captured Power | Flashback with Palki Sharma
How Iran (Persia) Became Muslim
Is the US seeking a regime change in Iran? | DW English
Iran's revolution forty years on: The change people wanted?
What’s changed in Iran? | Start Here
1979: How The Iranian Monarchy Fell | Last Persian Shah
How the US Turned Iran Into a Dictatorship (Documentary)
Iran's Jesus Revolution? Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ
Persia before Khomeini - The history of Iran in 15 minutes of perfectly restored film material
Iran's revolution: Forty years on, the change people wanted?
Persia or Iran? Farsi or Persian? Which one is right?
1941 Invasion of Iran - Regime Change WWII-Style
Protestors gather in Sherman Oaks to demand regime change in Iran
John Bolton - Does Iran Need a "Regime Change?"