Treaty of Versailles: Ratification Battle
The Versailles Treaty: Wilson vs. the Senate
The Versailles Treaty Fight
Treaty of Versailles
205 1919 - United States III
World War I - The Treaty of Versailles
147: Peacemaking in Paris: The Treaty of Versailles
206 1919 - United States IV
The League of Nations
The US Rejects A Peace Treaty (1919) w/ Christopher McKnight Nichols
Woodrow Wilson – 28th President of the United States (1913–1921) Biography
Wilson defeat
Treaty of Versailles -- German War Guilt? Treaty of Versailles Explained
10b. Trouble at Versailles, 1918-1921
Mr. Rogers USH: The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
The League of Nations Presentation
US History 2020: Unit 9, #3 Notes - The Treaty of Versailles
WWI Making Peace and After the War
World War I Part IV: The Versailles Treaty and Peace Process
The Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations