Explain it to me: Campaign spending
Explain it to me: Campaign fundraising
How much does money matter for political campaigns?
Political Campaigns: Crash Course Government and Politics #39
Cash rules with political campaigns
Disrupting Political Campaigns: Shifting Influence from the Money to the Many
Campaign Finance: Shining a Light on Political Power (with Pete Quist of Open Secrets)
How To Raise Money For A Political Campaign
Demystifying Campaign Finance: Where Does Political Money Come From?
Political Campaigns, Top to Bottom: The Small Money Revolution | Part three
Who Funds Political Campaigns?
How much money do political campaigns have at their disposal?
Billionaires are pouring huge amounts of money into the political process — & both parties.
Is there a political office right for you?
Why do you have to see so many political ads on your screen?
Tracing Money Behind Online Political Communication
Why are political candidates spending so much more on advertising?
SHOW ME THE MONEY: How Transparency in Political Donations Could Change American Elections
A New American Political System? The State and Direction of Campaign Finance
What's 'dark money' and how is it used in political campaign finances?