Transformers work only on AC current and not on DC . Reason explained.
What Happens When We Apply DC Power to a Transformer? | Transformer
Transformers Explained - How transformers work
why transformer is not working in dc
WHY WE CAN'T DC Power to Transformers?
why transformer works on AC not DC | What happen if I give dc to transformer | Interview question
Why Transformer will Burn, if Primary Winding is Connected with DC Supply ? | Dr. J. A. Laghari
Transformer में AC के जगह DC दी जाए तो क्या होगा ? | Electrical Transformer
Why Transformers Cannot Work on DC || Lec-11
how to TEST a transformer to know if it’s good or bad
The Impact of DC Supply on Transformers | Explained with Simulation | TheElectricalGuy
working principle of a transformer | 3 phase transformer's working system | Transformer
Why a Transformer cannot be connected to DC supply in Hindi.
Electrical Transformer with AC and DC Applied to the Primary Coil
Transformers explained | How increasing the voltage, decreases the current in a transformer?
Transformers Physics Problems - Voltage, Current & Power Calculations - Electromagnetic Induction
Why Transformer DOES NOT WORK On DC? Works ONLY On AC [Why It BURNS On DC] - Electrical Interview Qs
3 WAY check to Transformer!
Generate free electricity using the primary coil of a transformer #shorts
Basic Transformer Calculations