Why Election Day Is Always A Tuesday In November
Good Question: Why is Election Day in November? And on a Tuesday?
November 3, 2020: 7am Election Day Prayer Vigil at Washington National Cathedral
Why do we vote on the first Tuesday of November?
America 101: Why Do We Vote on the First Tuesday? | History
Why is the U.S. General Election Held on a Tuesday in November?
Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November? | Election 2016 with David Eisenbach | History
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Your voice is your vote, and your vote is your power.
Why is Election Day on a Tuesday?
🇺🇸 Election Day for Kids | 5 November | Voting Process | Democracy for Kids | Twinkl USA
Election Day - November 7, 2017
Election Day for Kids
U.S. Election Day (November 5) | This Day in History #31
November 2022 General Election
Election Day In America | November 5, 2024
Why Is It Election Day And Why Should We Care?
After Election Day: What’s Next? | November 7, 2024
Should Election Day be a federal holiday?
'The View' Co-Hosts Share Their Final Thoughts On Election Day 2024 | The View
The Road to November 6th - 31 Days Until Election Day