How teenagers' lack of sleep is taking a toll on their mental health
Sleep 1: Importance and Benefits of Sleep
How Sleep Affects Your Brain
How Can Sleep Affect A Teenagers Education? | Matthew Walker
Why Do We Have To Sleep?
What would happen if you didn’t sleep? - Claudia Aguirre
Sleep Time | Soothing Nursery Rhyme for Kids | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
How sleep affects your emotions | Sleeping with Science, a TED series
Sleep and Mental Health
Sleep and Teens
Science for kids | Body Parts - Science Of Sleep | Experiments for kids | Operation Ouch
How Early Start Times Can Affect Sleep-Deprived Students
How much sleep do you really need? | Sleeping with Science, a TED series
Why more sleep could help kids do better in school and life
The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu
How many hours of sleep a night do I need?
Why Do We Sleep? The Dr. Binocs Show | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Peekaboo Kidz
How Do Teenagers Sleep Differently? | Matthew Walker
Why Sleep Matters
Teen Sleep - WVU Medicine Health Report