Japanese word for black is kuro
好きな日本語は何ですか? 聞いてみました!
Acting dumb Japanese racist calling black people N word
[服]]Mastering Word related to clothes and accessories in Japanese
What's the hardest English word to pronounce for Japanese people ? | Tokyo street interview
Learning a New Japanese Word and Misusing it
When the anime lowkey says the n-word
The Surprising Meaning Behind the Japanese Word for 'Black Belt' | Martial Arts Facts
DON’T USE THIS WORD!!! #japan #japanese #anime #kids #japon #japón #japonya
Japanese Play the Word Association Game
Japanese word | Business Japanese/ビジネス日本語
Black Girl Promotion in Japan CM #8 || Japanese Word Game
800 Japanese Words Learn by phone big word black background
「黒人の日本人はN-Word を作られるか?」英語で: Can a Japanese Black person use the N-Word in their raps? Well…kinda?
"ミョ(Myo)" is often used as part of a word in Japanese.
Japanese Radio 365 One word, one time【Ep211: ブラック企業】with subtitles (JP-EN)
知っておくと便利な日本語 (日本語 101)
Quiz 手袋を買いに - 1 | (Buying Mittens) | Japanese audiobook + word highlight / explanation