英語の発音: -OUGH と -AUGH で終わる単語の言い方
How to say words ending in -OUGH and -AUGH! through, though, enough, taught...
what are quadgraphs. spelling rules. augh words. ough words
パート 12 - クアッドグラフ サウンド (オー、エイ、オー)
English Spelling Rules #26/AUGH, EIGH, IGH, OUGH Words/Rules For augh, eigh, igh and ough phonograms
AUGH and OUGH words
English Pronunciation Of Words Ending in -ough & -augh | Mispronounced Words | Tips to pronounce
Try Not to Laugh #23
Week 6 Spelling Words (aw, au and augh)
You LAUGH, YOU LOSE Anime Edition #shorts
Was trying so hard not to laugh! 🤣
Make me laugh challenge
He will make you laugh in 15 seconds... 🧐😂
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英語の発音チュートリアル: 英語で OUGH、AUGH、OUGHT、AUGHT を含む単語の発音方法
Try not to Laugh | 146
Try Not to Laugh Challenge 622 🤣 #funny #shorts #viral
OMG WATCH TILL THE END! #cute #cutecat #shorts #short #shortvideo #dance #laugh #funny #hilarious
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