In which I solve an EXTREME SUDOKU for Twitter
I Solved The World’s Hardest Sudoku – SHC 265
How To Do Hard Sudokus In 10 Minutes
X-Wings and the Rectangle Rule for Solving Medium to Hard Sudoku Puzzles
How Mark Goodliffe ALMOST Solved The World’s Hardest Sudoku – Sudoku Analysis 35
The Hardest Sudoku... And How To Solve It
The First Hardest Sudoku!
Solving the World's Hardest Sudoku
The Hardest Sudoku Of All
A Sudoku Secret to Blow Your Mind - Numberphile
Y-wing (XY Wing) - an Advanced Sudoku technique
Techniques for Hard Sudoku
Is This Sudoku Impossible?
The World's Hardest Sudoku And The World's Best Chess Player
Our Hardest Sudoku And How To Solve It (Slowly!)
The Miracle Sudoku
The Sudoku With Only 2 Given Digits
Sudoku solved by World Sudoku Champion
I Tried The Internet’s Hardest Sudoku (11.9 MAX Rating)
Sudoku Blaster vs. "World's Hardest Sudoku"