Rectify | meaning of Rectify
What is the meaning of the word RECTIFY?
rectify - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
rectify - 14 verbs which are synonym to rectify (sentence examples)
Let's rectify a standard error (@Lessons Lane)| #shorts #english #vocabulary
Let's rectify a standard error (@Lessons Lane)| #shorts #english #vocabulary #because #becauseoff
#sentence#Rectify the errors I Correct use of capital letters.
how can we rectify a sentence given in any Competitive's all about the proper use of tense
Word -Rectify 😊
Rectify the errors
Rectify (v.) - Advanced English Vocabulary - One Minute Videos
Rectify Your English| #prepositions #advancedenglish #mistakes
Rectify Common English Mistakes
Let's rectify a standard error(@Lessons Lane)| #shorts #english #vocabulary #motivation #trading