George Hall Elementary School (San Mateo, CA) -1993 - 3rd & 4th Grade Play - The Potted Princess

2023/01/13 に公開
視聴回数 324
I have no idea what play this was called. The potted princess?? If anyone knows, leave it in the comments below. I gave subtitles to the best of my ability to understand what’s being said. If anyone knows the ending scene lines that are subbed let me know.

Hard to hear the girl at the beginning but what I could make out is

The Princess - Devon Richstone
King - David Patterson
The Queen - Heidi Norgaard
The three princes - Kenny Sandell, Jonathan Dogey, james heavey
Fairy Queen - Yennifer Yang
2nd fairy - Katie Bliss
The witch - Nichole Kalar
The son of a potter - Adam Bower
The mother - Jacqueline Clemente

Film crew - includes heather heels, Jeffrey Evans, Jonathan Milans, Jeffrey Ekhardt