Nine of Swords in 3 Minutes

2017/05/08 に公開
視聴回数 60,255
Nine of Swords Upright: Obsessive worry, mental cruelty. Putting oneself down or beating yourself up. Fretting and rehashing an experience over and over again to no relief. Shame. Profound anxiety. Unable to see your way out of a situation. Hopelessness. An inability to see what you DO have (see that you are actually lying in a bed of roses). Replaying something over and over again in your mind. Anticipating failure.

Nine of Swords Best Course of Action: Acknowledge your fears. Before you can change negative behavior and actions, you must look at the root cause of it. Consider you may be obsessing over one thing in an effort to avoid (not see) something else which is bigger or scarier. Cop to your worries. Don’t try to hide from them. Have a good cry. You may have been hurt and you need to cry it out before you can move on, so do that. Consider you may have something in your life which you should be concerned about and decide to take practical action on it.

Nine of Swords Reversed: Overall, a release of anxiety and stress. The knives/swords/worries falling out on your mind. Getting off your own back. Tensions easing, acceptance and forgiveness of wrongs or mistakes.

Nine of Swords Reversed Best Course of Action: Release your fear. Forgive yourself or another. Stop obsessing. Choose to look at the good in your life. Getting to work on a problem or addressing chronic anxiety with a positive plan of action.