Shawn HBK Michaels is annoyed on the Canadian Home Shopping Channel 1995 WWF WWE

2019/11/10 に公開
視聴回数 31,619
Where to begin? The host is so annoying. SO annoying. I feel like this is your typical non-wrestling fan who thinks every wrestler acts like 19080s Hulk Hogan and is going to answer every question with an over the top promo, so this guy thought he would do 'a bit' and expected Shawn to play along. Spoiler- Shawn doesn't. You can watch as Shawn tries his hardest to carry himself with and represent the company with class but this guy...this guy, just slowly eats away at HBK throughout the hour and Shawn starts getting hilariously snippy/passive aggressive with him and it ends in a super lame/really awkward scene where everyone wants Shawn to pretend/wrestling beat this guy up. For real- no wonder Shawn hates Canada haha probably started here.
ALSO- JASON SENSATION IS IN THE CROWD!??!?!?!?! This has to be his first appearance. Shawn talks about Bret and much going on in this rare glimpse of 1995 HBK.
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