The CUTEST MINI SHIBA INU PUPPIES - MameShiba Cafe in Harajuku, TOKYO | かわいすぎる豆柴!原宿の豆柴カフェ

2023/02/26 に公開
視聴回数 9,958
I'm sure you've heard of and seen Shiba Inus before, adorable fluffy dogs that reside in Japan with cute faces and sharp eyes. Well, today, we're introducing you to MameShiba Inu - even smaller and cuter versions of the Shiba Inu! Gerrard had never heard of them before, and found the experience playing with them to be incredibly heartwarming!

We visited the MameShiba Cafe in Harajuku, Tokyo! The entry fee is 900yen (around CAD$9) which includes a complimentary drink that you can purchase by using vending machines in the cafe. It was certainly a fun experience playing with the dogs, and if given the opportunity, we would definitely pay another visit to the MameShiba Cafe!

日本犬といったら真っ先に思い浮かべる人が多いであろう柴犬。今回、私たちは柴犬より一回り小さい、豆柴に会えるカフェに行ってきました!Gerrard は豆柴を見ることも初めてで、かわいい豆柴たちに癒されていました😂


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