【料理】本格!大人の麻婆豆腐|献立|レシピ|Asian food|cooking

2021/06/16 に公開
視聴回数 410



■絹ごし豆腐 1丁 (500〜600g)※木綿でも可
■長ねぎ 1/3本
■豚ひき肉 150g
■ニラ 1/2束

■青ネギ 1/4束
■粉山椒 少々
■糸唐辛子 ひとつまみ


■胡麻油 小さじ2
■ラー油 小さじ2
■サラダ油 大さじ1

■にんにくチューブ 小さじ1
■しょうがチューブ 小さじ1
■甜麺醤 大さじ1
■豆板醤 大さじ1
■オイスターソース 大さじ1
■中華だし 大さじ1
■醤油 小さじ1
■みりん 大さじ1
■酒 大さじ1
■砂糖 小さじ2

■中華だし 大さじ1
■水 300ml

■片栗粉 大さじ1
■水 50ml











[Weekend fun ♪ Plenty of condiments! Adult Mapo Tofu]

It is irresistible for condiment lovers
Like eating at a Chinese restaurant
It is a full-fledged mapo tofu.
With the umami of charred green onions and the aroma of garlic
Beer goes on.
On days when there is no plan for the next day
How about it without worrying about the smell?

[Material] 2-3 servings

■ 1 silken tofu (500-600g) * Cotton is also acceptable
■ 1/3 long onion
■ Minced pork 150g
■ Boiled bamboo shoots (shredded) 130g
■ 1/2 bundle of garlic

(For serving)
■ 1/4 bundle of green onions
■ A little powdered Japanese pepper
■ A pinch of red pepper


■ 2 teaspoons of sesame oil
■ 2 teaspoons of chili oil
■ 1 tablespoon of salad oil

(A) * Mix
■ Garlic tube 1 teaspoon
■ Ginger tube 1 teaspoon
■ Tianmian sauce 1 tbsp
■ Doubanjiang 1 tablespoon
■ 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
■ Chinese soup stock 1 tbsp
■ 1 teaspoon of soy sauce
■ Mirin 1 tbsp
■ 1 tablespoon of sake
■ 2 teaspoons of sugar

(B) * Mix
■ Chinese soup stock 1 tbsp
■ Water 300 ml

(C) * Mix
■ 1 tablespoon of potato starch
■ Water 50 ml

[How to make]

① Cut tofu into bite-sized pieces, cut green onions into small pieces, chop long onions, and cut garlic chives into 2 cm pieces.

② Put the tofu in boiling water, soak it for about 3 minutes, and put it in a colander.

③ Spread salad oil on a heated frying pan, add green onions, and when the surface becomes glossy, add minced pork. Lightly press with a spatula and fry until crispy.
* It is okay for the green onions to turn brown.

④ Add boiled bamboo shoots and fry lightly.

⑤ Turn off the heat, add the seasoning (A), and mix quickly so as not to burn. Turn on the heat again and fry until it makes a sizzle.

⑥ Add the soup from (B) and boil it lightly. After that, add the tofu and garlic of ② and heat until it becomes fluffy again.

⑦ Turn off the heat, add the water and potato starch from (C) in 3 portions, mix well, simmer for about 2 minutes, and then turn off the heat.

⑧ With the heat off, add chili oil and sesame oil to add fragrance, mix and serve.

⑨ Finally, add powdered Japanese pepper, green onions, and red pepper to finish.